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Additional Considerations – Ticks in Cattle


Control based on weaknesses in the tick life cycle Planned treatments A weakness in the tick life cycle is the delay before female ticks fall off cattle and lay their […]

Treating Tick Fever


How to treat tick fever Advice for veterinarians If the cause of the outbreak has been diagnosed, use the following treatments: Cause Drug Dose Rate Route of inoculation Babesia Imidocarb(Imidox®) […]

Treating Dairy Cattle and House Cows


There are a limited number of cattle parasite control products that can be used for treating cattle which are or may in future be used to produce milk for human […]

Work Health & Safety


General information Understanding the health risks and legal requirements associated with the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals can avoid serious consequences. Always first refer to the label (indications) and […]

Types of Ticks


Ticks fall into two main groups, hard ticks and soft ticks. Hard ticks Hard ticks (family: Ixodidae) have a shield (scutum in females, conscutum in males) that covers the whole […]

Treating Tick Borne Diseases in Cattle


How to treat bovine anaemia caused by theileriosis Currently, there is no medication or vaccine registered in Australia for the treatment and/or control of bovine anaemia caused by theileriosis. Only […]

Chemical Groups and Actives for Cattle


There are currently five chemical groups available for treating ticks on cattle in Australia. Click below to go directly to each group: Macrocyclic lactones (ML) What do they treat? Roundworm, […]

Environmental Considerations for Cattle


Environmental contamination Some chemicals can be particularly toxic to aquatic organisms, wildlife and some important ecological insects such as dung beetles when used without reading the manufacturers label. Do not […]

Acaricide Resistance for Ticks in Cattle


What is acaricide resistance? Acaricide resistance is a genetic change (mutation) in individual ticks within a parasite population that allows resistant ticks to survive treatment. Because it is genetically based, […]

Application Methods for Tick Treatment


There are five methods of treating cattle for ticks, listed here. Click below to go straight to the section of this page with information on that application method: Pour-on Resistance […]



Chemical groups and actives Cattle parasite treatments Cattle parasite control requires the use of treatment products for both internal (endo-) and external (ecto-) parasites as part of an integrated parasite […]

Moving Cattle


Stock owners are responsible for their own cattle tick control. Overview Cattle tick control and treatment in endemic areas is the duty of the individual person responsible for the cattle. […]

How and When to Treat Cattle Ticks


The best control is a program to reduce immature cattle tick numbers on the paddock. The following strategies can help to achieve this: Cattle tick can be challenging to control […]

Vaccines and Prevention


Tick fever vaccination About the vaccine The trivalent tick fever vaccine is a live, whole organism, blood-based vaccine containing attenuated strains of B. bovis and B. bigemina as well as […]

Cattle Breeding for Tick Resistance


Natural animal resistance has the biggest economic impact on tick control. Breeding for more resistant animals via tropical breed selection, or by within breed selection provides a low cost, permanent […]

Susceptibility and Management of Ticks in Cattle


Ticks are a stressor of cattle that can impact animal production and welfare. Their impact is made worse if the animal already deals with other physiological demands, such as pregnancy […]

Control on the Property for Cattle


Ticks spread diseases and cause damage during feeding. So it is important to keep them under control. But not all ticks are the same. Although all ticks go through the […]

Tick Fever in Cattle


(Babesia and Anaplasmosis) Tick fever is caused by infection with Babesia and Anaplasma organisms transmitted by the cattle tick Rhipicephalus australis (formerly known as Boophilus microplus). All cattle in tick […]

Manage Ticks in Cattle


How to count cattle ticks Sampling and or counting the ticks present on cattle provides a basis to estimate damage, monitor control methods and assess management success Tick Counts Count […]

Identifying Tick Borne Diseases and Conditions in Cattle


Disease identification In Australia, the tick-borne diseases of significance in cattle are tick fever (caused by Babesia bovis, Babesia bigemina and Anaplasma marginale) and theileriosis (bovine anaemia caused by variants […]

About Ticks – In Cattle


Ticks are not insects, but acarines, their closest relatives are mites, spiders and scorpions. Whereas adult insects have six legs, adult acarines have eight. Free-living ticks tend not to walk […]


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